Health & Hygiene Policy

Here's a look at what to expect at the Duncombe Arms...
What the New Normal will look like...
There is no doubt that when we return that things will look a little different. Our hope is that the Duncombe Arms will still feel the same! We will still be serving delicious food with even more emphasis on on the fabulous local suppliers on our doorstep. our head chef Jake has been busy chatting to Rupert at Denstone Farm and Bob the veg-man in Ashbourne to mention just a couple. We will continue to focus on our attention to detail and the service that you have come to expect. We want to thoroughly reassure you that we are implementing measures to keep you and our team safe so you can rest assured you can enjoy your time at the Duncombe Arms.
We have worked extensively with our consultants at CSC to develop a policy to ensure that the Duncombe Arms is a safe place to work and visit. you can view the full policy here.
We will implement these measures in a way that fits with the Duncombe Arms style, so whilst the health & safety of everyone concerned is our top priority, we still want you to be able to relax and enjoy yourself in an environment true to the Duncombe Arms. There is more information coming from the Government this week, and when we have digested it, we will share our plans with you.
In the meantime take a look at what we've got planned...
Staying in Walnut House
We are taking now new reservations for the hotel for stays from Monday July 6th on wards. The best way to make a reservation is through our website and you can do this here. We will be in touch with updated information & new procedures prior to your arrival. Please also book any lunch or dinner reservations prior to your arrival. Make your reservation here.
Eating at the Duncombe Arms
To begin with we will be taking reservations on a reduced basis with fewer tables until further guidance on social distancing is issued. Therefore availability will be limited and the easiest way to make a reservation will be through our online booking system. You can book online now for reservations from Saturday 4th of July. Our Menu will be single use, printed daily and is available to view here.
Our People
We're taking every precaution to make sure that our teams, suppliers and partners are fully aware of our plans and are ensuring that they comply with the procedures in place to safeguard our staff and guests.
Every member of our team will receive specialised training in health & hygiene outlining their responsibilities to guests and other members of staff.
We have implemented new systems and policies so we are ready for the team to return to work.
All reasonable steps will be taken to meet the Government's Covid-19 Secure Workplace Guidelines.
We are working with all of our suppliers to make sure that they are meeting our high standards for health & hygiene.
Where necessary, we will provide any PPE required to carry out our work safely. This will be especially important for the housekeeping and kitchen teams.
Keeping you up to date
We will keep you up to date with all of our plans and decisions as soon as they happen. We'll share plans for how the re-opening will look, all of the safety measures and procedures that are in place and any changes that are made. This information will be available on the Duncombe Arms Website.
All guests staying with us will be contacted prior to arrival to confirm the details of their stay and update you on the procedures for checking etc.
You can call or email us at anytime to get an update on what is happening at the pub.
Tables & Chairs
The government will stipulate what restrictions & guidelines will be in place on our capacity, and while social distancing is required, we will be operating with a reduced number of tables available. As this guidance is updated, we will continue to review how we operate.
As a pub with rooms, we already adhere to strict health & hygiene routines, but we will now be taking extra measures to ensure that all areas are thoroughly cleaned, sanitised and are compliant with the guidance.
The team will receive full training on the new standards from our partners at CSC. Hand sanitiser will be provided to all staff and guests at every opportunity.
All public areas will be continuously cleaned throughout the day to ensure our new high standards are rigorously maintained .
Social Distancing
We will be adhering to the Government guidance on maintaining a social distance, and adapt what we are are doing as this evolves. Table layouts have been adjusted to allow for the stipulated distance to be met. As you will know the Duncombe Arms is cosy and quirky with lots of nooks and crannies, so hard & fast rules will make things trickier. We'll ask all of our guests to use common sense and take responsibility for your own physical distance during your stay when you're moving around to safeguard other guests and members of our team. All the staff will do the same for you and their colleagues.
Checking In & Out
Check In will continue to be from 4pm and we will be adapting the way we do this. We'll be maintaining the social distancing guidelines and to minimise the fuss, we will suggest that guests settle their account with the card that was used to make the booking. This can be done at breakfast or the night before if you prefer. All guests will be contacted to confirm the arrangements prior to their arrival.
The Restaurant
In a restaurant it is virtually impossible to remove every risk, however our policy is to mitigate this through updated hygiene policy and best practices. Risk assessments have been carried out and we will take every measure to minimise contact, ensure our new, higher hygiene are met and maintain social distancing.
Guests staying with us in Walnut house will be asked to book a time for breakfast. Breakfast will be served at the guests' table, the continental buffet will not be available under current circumstances, however will still offer these options from the kitchen.
Reservations for lunch and dinner will be staggered to maintain social distancing.
Single use menus will be printed daily.
Tables will be positioned at the the required distance apart, in line with the latest Government guidance.
Hand sanitiser will be readily available throughout the pub & hotel.
You will notice other small changes throughout that will maintain our new hygiene standards.